Day Treatment Program in Massachusetts

Welcome to Resolute Recovery’s Day Treatment Program

At Resolute Recovery, located in the heart of Massachusetts, we offer a comprehensive Day Treatment Program, also known as Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) or Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). This program is tailored for individuals who need substantial support in their recovery journey but do not require or cannot commit to full-time residential care.

Understanding Day Treatment

Day Treatment stands as a vital component in the continuum of care for substance use disorders. This program provides a structured environment that supports individuals in early recovery who might find too much unscheduled time challenging and potentially risky. By participating in Day Treatment, clients engage in a structured therapy schedule without completely removing themselves from their home or work life, thus maintaining an essential connection with their daily environments.

Program Details

Our Day Treatment program operates five days a week, with daily sessions lasting up to six hours. This schedule is designed to immerse clients in a comprehensive recovery experience while allowing them sufficient time at home to start practicing the life skills they learn during treatment. Our approach is based on the latest evidence-based practices and is delivered in a supportive, community-oriented setting.

Tailored Treatment Plans

Each client at Resolute Recovery undergoes a thorough assessment to identify specific needs and treatment goals. Our Day Treatment program includes a variety of therapeutic interventions:

  • Individual Therapy: Focuses on personal issues and addiction challenges.
  • Group Therapy: Provides peer support and the opportunity to share experiences in a safe setting.
  • Family Therapy: Engages family members in the recovery process, helping to mend relationships and build a supportive home environment.

These therapies are complemented by specialized sessions depending on the individual’s needs, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Trauma Therapy, and other modalities aimed at addressing the root causes of addiction.

A Day in the Life of a Day Treatment Client

Participants in our Day Treatment program can expect a typical day to involve multiple therapy sessions, skill-building activities, and peer group meetings. The focus is on learning to manage addiction, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and build a supportive network of peers and clinicians.

Why Choose Our Day Treatment Program?

Choosing our Day Treatment program means accessing high-quality, intensive treatment while maintaining your regular commitments. Benefits include:

  • Comprehensive care tailored to your specific addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders.
  • The flexibility to live at home, preserving family relationships and daily routines.
  • Cost-effectiveness compared to full-time residential treatment options.

Support Beyond Treatment

Resolute Recovery is committed to the long-term success of our clients. Our Day Treatment program includes planning for aftercare and ongoing support to help maintain sobriety after the program ends. This includes access to alumni groups, ongoing therapy sessions, and resources for continued personal development.

Getting Started with Day Treatment

If you or a loved one is considering Day Treatment, we encourage you to reach out to learn more about how this program can fit into your recovery journey. Our admissions team is ready to help you with insurance verification and any questions you may have about the program.

Resolute Recovery’s Day Treatment program is designed to provide you with the tools and support necessary for effective recovery while accommodating your daily life. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through each step of your recovery journey, ensuring you receive the care you need in a setting that fosters healing and growth. Join us at Resolute Recovery and take a significant step towards a healthier, substance-free life.

Call us today at (978) 706-6967 to speak with a treatment specialist.